Monday, September 03, 2007

irish do sweat - even if we wear irish spring

last night. 11:00pm. 93 degrees in the streets.

i went to the orange street fair to hear a local irish band play their final set and i must say it was great. hot. sweaty. great. i took a mini vid on my new camera. i'll see if i can post a few seconds of it in a bit.



Michele said...

Oh, I love when it is hot. Really, hot is good, in so many ways!

Why did I not know that you like Irish music? My goodness, I really am asking all the wrong questions.

It was not possible for me to read this post without thinking of Thursday Lunch Man. I am uncertain if there is even a connection, yet I drew one. And yes, Thursday Lunch Man IS his official online name.

I like your daily posts. Please do continue...

Notta Wallflower said...

Oh my - I can't handle that kind of heat. I don't go to enough street festivals.

Jamie Dawn said...

The heat really has been ON in CA.
To control excessive sweat I recommend the following:

Wash with Irish Spring, paying special attention to the pits.

Apply two coats of Mitchum deodorant in your pits, they claim you can skip a day - but dont!!

Put corn starch into your pits.

Place scented mini pads into the pits of your
