Saturday, September 01, 2007

fluff post

when faced, yet again, with blogger's block, i thought it best to at least get my feet wet with a basic fluff piece. major stress at work has had me fit to be tied. when faced with stress, we homo sapiens have several options - fight. flight and fluff.

you're not familiar with fluff? nonsense. let me remind you.

when faced with stress i reach for my destressors. when i was a tot it was my teddy. now it's a number of different things i use to unwind. let me share with you the "nice to haves" that help me loosen up and relax.

life is full of irony and why not toast that with a glass of irony? i know it's my bad, but i do tend to have a glass of wine as i cook dinner.

other things i love:
give me a bubble bath and a good book. light a candle with a special fragrance and oooo, i'm in my happy place.

this is something i keep in my bathroom at all times:

the eucalyptus/mint line of aromatherapy can take away a day's worth of stress. love this stuff.

here are other things i love and highly recommend:
an afternoon at dog beach is pretty darn special.

shower time is so much better when i use this stuff:

on my face i use this:

more later. i gotta get ready for a bbq.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thanks for your visit...And I think your destrrors are fabulous...particularly the BB Bath....!

Herr Krokodil said...


You are hot for a middle age woman.

I'm not a wine fan. I usually only have margaritas with chips and salsa.

I probably need a bath because I can't remember the last time I had one. My house has this huge tub with jets but I've never used it. Actually it's my laundry hamper.

Have a good holiday weekend

BlondeBlogger said...

Sorry about all the stress....keep taking those bubble baths! And I would LOVE to be able to walk on that beach, too!

Michael K. Althouse said...

Nice toes...


Michele said...

Oh.My.Goodness. You are back! I have missed you, well, actually I have missed your blog posts. I have had the pleasure of some e-mail exchanges with you (lucky me) but I have missed your online presence!

Oh, I also have a glass of wine when I cook dinner. Great minds, and all that...

Yes, bubble baths and books are a very good combination.

I like your fluff piece! Imagine that, me liking fluffy blog posts, who would have guessed such a thing?

Notta Wallflower said...

I could go for the bubble bath, but I need the bubbles first. My favorite rainbath is the blue stuff - I can't remember what flavor it is, though.