Tuesday, June 20, 2006

comic sans

i’m impressed with standup comics. it’s completely different from acting. the timing is unique and you’ve got to have your personality on the line…or at least your pseudo personality. it’s a craft that i’ve never contemplated – until recently…not professionally, mind you, just enough to see what it takes to create a joke. that’s the tough part - coming up with something uniquely funny.

well, today i thought up my first stand up joke:

i know a lot about marriage, how tough it can be to make it work. i’ve been married for 25 years - (applause from the audience) - four marriages, but hey, it’s still 25 years.

i still get anniversary cards – from my lawyer. he’s actually my longest relationship…

thank you. thank you very much. you’ve been a great audience...


TheCleaningWoman said...

Hey, could you be on to something here? The world needs more female standups!!!!

Ellen said...

LOL! So when do we see you on Comedy Central, hmmmm????... or perhaps credits on a comedy show????

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good!


Jamie Dawn said...

Good one!!